Betta Toys Getting A Betta Fish In A Few Weeks?

Getting a betta fish in a few weeks? - betta toys

I know how big the tank should, but I wondered about the power of a pea. Why is that? Just thaw the frozen peas and remove skin and cut it and give it to him?

This is a part of the toys that he loves the Betta fish? play like a ping-pong?

Other suggestions are welcome, but


Sweet♥ Luv said...


* Tau A pea Take-changing
* Remove the layer of the skin
Betta * Cut to bite-sized pieces (about the size of a bar) and one or two pieces to help the bloating and constipation
* To do this, once a week with him fasting (once a week)


* Bettas are not the biggest fan of toys. Ping-pong balls and stress may be frightened, but you can try. To make sure it is properly cleaned.
* Place a mirror in front of his tank to the combustion of the year to promote - but in moderation
* You only need the Betta has hidden (mild or real) plants, caves () and gravel with balls. This not only makes the tank look nice, which helps to ease stress


* Remember you are not using a water conditioner every time
* A low-current developed filter and a heater (for the tank) is strongly recommended
* A breathable to keep at all times - they are
* Do not forget to adjust the pH, temperature, nitrate, etc. .. Check
* For a larger container, make sure "; S bike properly
* Keep the container in full sun

Sweet♥ Luv said...


* Tau A pea Take-changing
* Remove the layer of the skin
Betta * Cut to bite-sized pieces (about the size of a bar) and one or two pieces to help the bloating and constipation
* To do this, once a week with him fasting (once a week)


* Bettas are not the biggest fan of toys. Ping-pong balls and stress may be frightened, but you can try. To make sure it is properly cleaned.
* Place a mirror in front of his tank to the combustion of the year to promote - but in moderation
* You only need the Betta has hidden (mild or real) plants, caves () and gravel with balls. This not only makes the tank look nice, which helps to ease stress


* Remember you are not using a water conditioner every time
* A low-current developed filter and a heater (for the tank) is strongly recommended
* A breathable to keep at all times - they are
* Do not forget to adjust the pH, temperature, nitrate, etc. .. Check
* For a larger container, make sure "; S bike properly
* Keep the container in full sun

papyrus said...

The important thing is not "love" for the fish. They are very easy going and do not really need much in the animation department, but I've heard that some Bettas, like a glass marble plain old slide.

For peas, thawed yes - only, remove the skin and cut a little.

Edit: you can have a substrate in the bottom of the tank and only the ball over them. Fish might be interested, no. Not really "play" so much: o)

mitchhig... said...

2.5 gallons at least 1 gallon minimum and uh yeah I tried the ping-pong with my fish and did't really work, but who knows, with the fish. They also have a mirror in order to illuminate the tank and swim around and get excersize. However, do not leave, forever, or it will be stressed and die. Also, see if you have a pencil, which is pulled through the tank can use. Good luck and I hope that helped!

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